Monday, August 25, 2008

More Things I Love.

A few I forgot:

Rainbow Sorbet
Funky Retro High-heeled Shoes
Copper Pots and Pans and Tea Kettles
The Eggplant/Goat Cheese Sandwich at Sandwhich. OM NOM.
San Pellegrino
Stylized Bathroom Fixtures
An Abundance of Houseplants
Detailed Embroidery on Pillows and Blankets
Bear Naked Chocolate Granola
Steampunk Illustration
American Sign Language
A Rock Opera
Southern France
Glass Lanterns
Teavana Teas
Fancy Stamps
Oversized Cups and Bowls
Big Drum Lampshades
Cooking Stir-fry in a Giant Wok
The Smell of Lemons and Oranges being sliced
Rock Candy
Bay windows
Apple Products
Comparative Linguistics
Robots with Hearts/Personalities
Irish Drinking Songs

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